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The Number One Dating Mistake Men Make - Stop Doing This and You'll Start Getting Laid

Do you know what the number one dating mistake men make is?

It's got nothing to do with looks, personality, or money. It's got nothing to do with where you take the girl or what you say to her.

In fact, let me tell you a little story.

I had a friend who used to take girls out for expensive dates every time he started seeing one. These girls were not too extraordinary in appearance, but my friend was so happy to actually have a date that he figured it was time to blow $300 on a restaraunt and a great night out.

Big mistake!

By doing this, he was telling the girl, "I'm desperate. I need to BUY your approval by spending a ton of money on you in the hopes you'll sleep with me."

Have you ever done that? I know I used to, all the time - and where did it get me? Home alone at night, or worse: waiting for the girl to call me, hoping I'd done all the right things by blowing tons of money on her.

It's not the guy's fault for doing this; society brainwashes us into thinking we have to "court" the woman this way, paying for expensive dates and flowers and chocolate, and catering to her every whim. It's not the woman's fault, either; it's simply that guys get sent so many mixed messages that they have no idea how to effectively date women, get laid, have a good variety of women to choose from, and still maintain their lifestyle at the same time.

When you're dating a woman, you need to stop thinking in terms of money as somehow getting you laid. Money has nothing to do with whether or not she'll sleep with you.

In reality, the only thing that's going to get you laid is how dominant you are.

Read that last paragraph again, and solidify it in your mind. This is the KEY to getting laid on the first date, getting regular sex with as many women as you want, and being happy in your life. The guys who get laid all the time are the ones who are dominant with women because they don't make the number one dating mistake of all time (to buy the woman's approval).

The guys who get laid all the time are the ones who don't care what women think, and simply decide what restauraunt to go to, how much to spend, and when to take her back to his place for sex. (Sometimes the woman will actually initiate this, if you adopt the techniques of an alpha male who does what he want and stops caring about gaining approval from other people.)

Obviously sex is a different topic entirely which I'll save for another article, but if you take anything from this piece, take this: you need to be a dominant male to get laid.

If you'd like to learn more about techniques that dominant males use to get laid as often as they want, I highly recommend Become an Alpha Male.

A Great Tip on Finding Balance in Your Life

Hey guys!

Just reblogging a quick post I found super useful, here:

It's about some deep stuff like karma and life balance, and this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. The gist of it is that for every good action you do, you'll be rewarded with another good action. Conversely, if you do a bad action, you'll reap bad things.

This works for any action in your life. Program yourself to become a strong alpha male, and you will become a strong alpha male. Program yourself that you will be successful with women, and you will be successful with women.

The key is to repeat the things you want most until you finally get them. Because you WILL. Trust me. Just keep repeating these affirmations, over and over. Here's a few you might find helpful:

1. I am becoming a strong, kind guy.

2. I am learning to love myself and my life.

3. I love women and women love me.

4. I attract all the success I desire, and more. The universe has only wealth to give me.

Those are a few I like that have helped me a lot, and if you repeat them enough, you'll eventually start taking subconscious actions to make those dreams a reality.

Really hope this helped you.
Until next time,

What Women Really Want from You - A Resource for Men

Hi guys - I'm here today to tell you a little bit about what women really want from men.

The truth of the matter is: society has brainwashed men into thinking that money, good looks, or a top-shape physical body is going to get you lots of women.


I'll tell you what's going to get you lots of women: being yourself.

This means, quite simply, that women want you to do what you love in your life, your career, and your hobbies.

If you're wondering why, it's simple: biology, which wins out over society every time, leads women to men who are strong, free-spirited, and who do what they want. In the caveman days, before we had civilization, men and women didn't have dating sites, remember?

So how do you attract women?

I'll give you a step by step guide.

1. Get in touch with yourself. Listen to your favorite music (for me, this is the band Disturbed, some classical music, and also music that helps gear me up for exercise. This might be different for you.)

2. Spend some time alone. Figure out what you really want from life.

3. Take steps to move your career in the right direction. Take control of your career and do what you love for a living. (Note, this doesn't mean quitting a job without a backup plan for stable income. It means: come up with a plan to get a job you REALLY love, and keep your current job until you can afford to quit.)

4. Pursue your hobbies. Love working in your garden? Do it. Love playing basketball with your buddies? Call 'em up and make a date to go to the gym and shoot hoops - or even just at a court outside. Love games? Have a game night with your friends (or by yourself if you prefer). The more you do what you love, the happier you will be.

5. Meet women. This will often happen in the workplace, at school, or just out in the world. This book tells you some ideal places to meet women, if you're interested. You can generally develop skills to meet and interact with them comfortably, and start getting numbers, just by living your life.

Wondering what comes next? Only you can decide that. But what I've given you here is a step-by-step plan to rebuilding your life and connecting with the things you love.

And that, my friend, is what women want from you. They want a guy who's true to himself, and to life. A guy who does what he wants, and doesn't give a flip about what society thinks of him.

Remember to be considerate and respectful as you go about making these changes!

Become More Appealing to Women - One Behavior to Avoid

I remember a time when I was really, really bad with women. Like completely awful. And a big part of that was because I kept repeating bad behaviors that turned them off.

These behaviors are fully outlined in John Alexander's How to Become an Alpha Male, but I'll talk about one of the biggest ones that helped me get better with women - after I stopped doing it.

That is: putting yourself down.

A lot of guys do this without realizing it. We'll say stuff like, "Oh, I'm so bad at (sports, or dancing, or whatever it may be)". This actually turns women off.

Here's an example: you're talking to a girl, and the topic of mountain climbing comes up. Maybe she's an athlete or an explorer, and you've never done half the stuff she has. Instead of feeling inadequate, you need to look at this as an opportunity to show her your bravery.

So when she says, "I'm a mountain climber. Have you ever tried climbing?"

Don't say, "Oh, I could never do that, I'm a coward."

Instead, say, "Whoa, that sounds like a ton of fun. I'd love to go mountain climbing, but I've never done it. Can you tell me more about it?"

This both shows that you're a brave, exploring kind of a guy, and that you're interested in her world as well. She might talk more about her life as a mountain climber, then, giving you a better opportunity to get to know her (and ultimately continue to escalate your date with her, if you wish).

So remember: there's a right way to joke about yourself, when you become an alpha male who's happy with his life and feels self-confident. But don't put yourself down - you don't need to. That's a beta male behavior and often leads to more depression on your part, because you'll believe those things (like when you say you're a coward.)

If you'd like to learn how to feel more confident when faced with a situation that makes you uncertain, check out this post on originality.

Why You Must Be Original To Be Successful in Your Love Life

A little known secret that many guys lose sight of in the dating game is this:

The importance of originality.

What do I mean by that? I mean that a girl is going to be attracted to a guy who is comfortable with himself, happy (because he does what he wants, not what is expected of him) and free.

Being original means having a job/career you're passionate about. It means being unafraid to say the wrong thing, but trying to say the right thing as often as you can.

It means being relaxed, affectionate, and unattached to outcomes with women.

It means being yourself in all situations, and not caring what other people think of you.

I know this is tough, and it takes time. I used to be a brainwashed "pig of the masses". I was stuck in a dead end job, felt unenthused about life, and as a consequence, was terrible with women - and all my relationships.

But then, I read the book mentioned in this post. It didn't happen overnight, but slowly and surely, that book helped me get back in touch with my REAL self - which was a confident alpha male. Not the lonely, miserable person I had become.

So if you're in a situation with a woman, or at your job, or just anywhere, and you feel uncertain about what to say or do, remember this: BE YOURSELF.

Don't try to be what other people force you to be. Be true to yourself.

I guarantee you that if you take no other piece of advice to heart than that, you will start to see real changes in your life. Hopefully, they'll be positive changes.

Here's a little "Jedi mind trick" I use to remind myself of this important originality principle when I'm feeling uncertain in a social situation.

I excuse myself for a few minutes and go to the restroom. Ideally, you can go to a quiet stall, somewhere by yourself.

Then I take a few breaths to clear my head.

I remind myself:

-It's okay.
-Nothing that happens tonight is going to ruin my life.
-I am relaxed and unattached to outcomes.
-I am ME, and that is the most important thing.

If that seems like a lot to remember, then repeat this phrase in your head, instead:

"Don't worry."

The "Boyfriending" Technique - How it Works

In this post, I'm going to share with you a hint of wisdom I picked up from my friend John Alexander. (You can read a preview of his book, Become an Alpha Male, which explains how to easily get laid with women. Click "download" at the top right to download the pdf.)

One of John's techniques is called the boyfriending technique. Have you ever noticed how couples that have been together for ages often do stuff like wipe sleeping dust out of each others' eyes, or feed each other? They stand very close together and basically act more like one person than two.

With the boyfriending technique, you're using this method to create rapport with a woman. You'll essentially come in close to her space and do a very special trick (which is outlined in his work here).

This trick will make the girl you're with feel as though you've been together for a very long time. It will help to lower her defenses and make her feel more comfortable with you - which results in higher chances of getting in bed together.

My favorite part of this trick, though, is how well it works to make a girl feel at ease with you. Often girls are used to guys who are way too eager to leap into bed with them, and who have no class or suave at all. The boyfriending technique is a method that will help you not only get laid faster, but also establish trust with a girl - something you'll need if you intend to sleep with her more than once.

In a nutshell, the boyfriending technique involves using this "under the radar" technique to make her feel like you've been her boyfriend for years, and then helping her to feel comfortable in your presence. This results in the two of you going to a private place, turning down the lights, and... well, the rest is up to you.

Here's a quick outline of the technique and how to use it:

1. Go out with a girl. Preferably a quiet date like a restaurant.
2. While you're talking together, or after the date, say "You've got sleeping dust in your eye."
3. Reach out and gently wipe at the corner of her eye.

Might seem simple or silly, but if you've followed the steps in John's guide and practiced your skills with women as he outlines in the book, you'll understand how powerfully this method works.

If you want to know how this technique works in detail, it's outlined on page 145 of How to Become an Alpha Male. And for the record, I recommend this product so strongly because it really, really changed my life, and gave me the success I longed for with women for years.

A Favorite Technique: Starting Conversations With Women

My friend John Alexander is chock full of great advice on getting good with women. I also love how easy his techniques are to implement. One of my favorites is starting conversations with women, and then keeping them going, naturally.

You'll want to use this technique if you:

1. Currently aren't good at talking to women.
2. Have a hard time getting women to notice you.
3. Aren't sure how to get women to approach you.

Here's the way it works in a nutshell.

You're hanging out at your local coffee shop, bookstore, gym... wherever you frequent. For the purposes of this example we'll use a coffee shop. (Hint: sit outside. This way, when a woman passes you and needs your help, you'll be ready to assist.)

So she comes up to you and asks for directions. "Can you tell me where the local bookstore is?"

Now, the key here is not to think, "Oh wow, a girl is talking to me." Instead, you need to sever your attachment to any kind of outcomes with this girl. Realize that she probably just wants information from you. That's it.

And quietly answer her question, as best as you're able.

From there, you might find that she wants to continue to the conversation. Often, if a girl approaches you this way, she WON'T have any immediate desire to keep talking to you. But if you hone your conversational skills and truly become an alpha male, your success with women will skyrocket.

The key is to be calm, relaxed, and have no attachment to outcomes with this girl. Remember: you're gonna answer her question, and be relaxed as she talks to you. Don't try to prod her for information - let her guide the conversation. Let her choose what she says to you. If she chooses to ask you a question, or you sense that she wants you to ask something about her, then do so. But the ultimate thing is to not be concerned with getting her number.

I know it seems contradictory, but often you will just GET her number if you aren't concerned with outcomes.

Read more techniques like this in John's book, How to Become an Alpha Male.